It’s hard to put into words the depth of learning that the Yoga tradition has offered to me and my life; however, I do believe that one key element is that there is a universal human condition that we are all a part of.  Age, gender, culture, ethnicity, and individual circumstances will dictate exactly how we each experience and engage with these elements of the human condition. But, each and every one of us will experience the layers of human existence throughout our lives.

Lately, I am learning the universal lesson of letting go. Learning to surrender.  Truthfully, I have been learning (and resisting) this lesson for a long time. Some of my students know me as a calm presence, a Yin/Restorative teacher, a guide for more relaxing styles of yoga.  This niche was not originally because I love this style of practice… I have grown to love it; however, I came to it initially because it was a concentrated experience of what I most needed to learn at this time in my life. I have come to humbly accept that I can move forward, but not without recognizing and honoring the truth of where I am at right now. Not without releasing my detailed agenda and expectations, and making space for possibility.

I am very dedicated and committed to my role as a yoga teacher, and I do my best to show up 100% for my students, as often as I can. Twice, in the past month, I have been unable to teach. At the beginning of March I lost my voice, and last week I had an allergic reaction and my eyes were crazy red and reactive one hour before my scheduled class. These events are humbling.

Here’s the truth: without our health, without our body functioning as it should… all else is irrelevant. I get entangled and distracted in the labyrinth of my mind as much as anyone else does. I was scheduling my day and stressing about time, and living in fear that my offering would fall short of students’ expectations… and a few minutes later, all I wanted was to be able to speak at all, or to see clearly without my eyes watering.

This was a reminder to surrender, and the inspiration for this post. Yoga brings us back to our bodies, it brings us home to ourselves, and it reminds us to focus on the essentials and the gifts in our life. Let go of the rest… if it’s from the ego it is likely illusory and a waste of valuable time and energy. One of the Yamas & Niyamas, the ethical precepts and guidelines in yoga philosophy, outlines this concept beautifully:

“Ishvara Pranidhana is the surrender of the ego to higher purpose. As the ego stops fighting to be number one, life begins to nourish and feed us in amazing ways” ~ Deborah Adele

It doesn’t have to be about giving up. It doesn’t have to be about believing in a specific God or Deity. It’s the recognition that there are a myriad of circumstances beyond our control in this life, and there is a possibility, that if we are in tune, aware, and accepting… these circumstances could align in our favor and the potential for joy and abiding happiness is unlimited.

We’re all learning… and I’m sure this lesson will continue to re-surface throughout my life. I have just had a few powerful reminders this month, and I wanted to share the value of this teaching.

What is one thing that you feel “stuck on”, that you could let go of, or release today?